Friday, January 31, 2014

Snowflakes day two.

Used my cousins advice and reversed the directions of the hands.

I also mixed the glue with glitter in an empty container and it was way less mess to make them shiny and shimmery.

Definitely need to use thicker paper. Though a blog I read said to use coffee filters which would be weaker but might not curl at the fingers. I don't drink coffee so I'll have to snag some from the next house I visit that has coffee drinkers. I'll ask first.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Snowflakes... day one.

Decided to make hand print snow flakes.
Plain printer paper.
Folded in quarters.
Traced with a white crayon.
Cut out, iron flat, paint with glue and dust with glitter.
Hung in the window with tape and fishing line. 
Not fully happy with the product but working on some ideas to improve.
Neelie took the picture of Tristan and I.

Monday, January 13, 2014


The kids have been loving Pickle Me (despicable me) lately so I cut out the pieces and they made and named Minions.
Tristan wasn't thrilled to sit down for a project but he had fun doing this with PJ.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Letter of the day is G!

Long and busy day but we took a minute to decorate the letter G with green shapes. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014